Reader Evaluation

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Please answer all questions. Suggested word limits are indicated though readers may write more or less as they feel is appropriate. Please be judicious if exceeding the maximum.

Reports will be shared, anonymously, with the writer.

The criteria for evaluation focus on substance, not mechanics, but most questions allow for open-ended responses. Readers may comment on any aspect of the work.


Reviewer Name:

Essay Title:

1. Does the author advance a clear, original, and compelling argument? [100 – 500 words]

2. Is the essay well-researched?  Does it make use of original source material? [up to 50 words]

3. Beyond the field of Grateful Dead studies, does it demonstrate expertise in its disciplinary and/or theoretical approach? Does it engage the relevant scholarship on its subject matter? [250 – 500 words]

4. Does the essay effectively place its topic in the context of Dead studies? Does it demonstrate (or at least suggest) its importance within that context? Does it connect the argument(s) to broader academic issues, topics, and interests? [75 – 250 words]

5. Is the essay well written and properly referenced?  How do you assess the writer’s prose style? [50 – 100 words]

6. Overall, is the essay persuasive?  Do you recommend it for publication, and with what kind of additional work? [As needed]  

7. Reviewer recommends:  [Select one]

  • Accept
  • Accept with minor revisions
  • Accept with major revisions
  • Reject