Editorial Policies


Grateful Dead Studies strives to balance the goal of open access with protection and control over its work. Grateful Dead Studies provides its content for free download online to individuals for personal use only; print copies are available for a fee. Print copies of the current issue are included with membership in the Grateful Dead Studies Association.


Each manuscript is reviewed by the Editor for general suitability for Grateful Dead Studies. (For more on the type of material the journal accepts, see Previous Issues.) Different types of submissions have different criteria for acceptance.

Essay submissions deemed suitable will be read by two appropriate reviewers from the Editorial Board and other scholarly experts in a double-blind review process. If the two readers have significant differences of opinion, the Editor will mediate and may request a third reader to review the submission. If the readers call for revision, the Editor will work with writers to address those issues.

Reviews are generally commissioned but interested reviewers may contact the Editor to request consideration. Reviews are read by the Editor who may request an outside reader. The Editor will work with contributors if revisions are required. Grateful Dead Studies is not able to provide reviewers with review copies.

Features and Special Sections tend to be primary materials that are not scholarly efforts; those are judged according to their contribution to the discourse of Grateful Dead studies. The Editor will work with contributors if revision is required.


Grateful Dead Studies is published biennially (every two years) with final submission deadlines of May of the first year and final publication in January of the second year. NOTE: due to COVID-19, the deadlines for Vol. 5 have been extended. The initial submission deadline is now AUGUST 1, 2021.

Submissions are treated on a rolling basis, following this schedule:

Initial Editorial Response: 4 weeks after first submission

Reader Responses: 10 weeks after first submission

Submissions Close: May of the first year; due to COVID-19, that has been extended to August 1 (i.e., August 1, 2021 for the 2021/2022 volume)

Publication: Usually January of the second year, but delayed for Vol. 5 due to COVID-19 to February 2022 for the 2021/2022 volume.


  • Submissions must be in Microsoft Word and submitted electronically via e-mail. We do not accept hard-copy submissions.
  • The first page should have your name, the title of the piece, and a brief bio (3 or 4 sentences, no more than 100 words). To ensure an anonymous reading, there should be no personally identifying information in the rest of the paper.
  • Articles should be between 3,500 and 8,000 words excluding appendices, references, figures, and tables.
  • Reviews should be 1,000 to 2,500 words.


Grateful Dead Studies does not charge authors to submit or publish.


Grateful Dead Studies does not pay for contributions. Authors receive a discount on print copies of the volume in which their work appears.


  • Text must be in Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • Double-space text and use one-inch margins.
  • Center page numbers at the bottom of the page; start with 1.


Use no more than three levels of heading (and strive to limit to two):

  • Main Headings: Bold and centered;
  • Subheadings: Bold and left justified;
  • Subsubheadings: Italicized and left justified.

If only using Main Headings, Roman numerals are acceptable, especially for longer articles (e.g., I, II, III, etc.). If possible, simply use an extra space between paragraphs.


  • All graphics should be embedded in the text, with appropriate call-outs (i.e., fig. 1, table 1, etc.).
  • Tables must be formatted as tables, not as text.
  • Tables, images, and musical examples must be 300 dpi and no larger than 4.5-inch x 7.5 inches.
  • Attach each graphic as a separate, high-resolution (300 dpi)  file, in TIFF of JPEG format, with your submission. Submissions that do not include high-resolution graphics will not be considered.


Most readings of Fair Use (Section 107 of the Copyright Act) preclude even short quotations of lyrics without permission. Authors are responsible for securing permission to publish all lyrics quoted. For Grateful Dead and associated lyrics controlled by Ice Nine Publishing, the Grateful Dead’s music publisher, Grateful Dead Studies has a blanket permission allowing authors to quote from the band’s songbook without charge.


Contributors are responsible for all other permissions. If you do not have the rights to a quotation, lyric, or image, do not include it.

Grateful Dead Studies cannot attempt to obtain permissions for contributors. Please include copies of permissions received with your completed author’s agreement.


All contributions to Grateful Dead Studies are governed by the Author’s Agreement available here. Contributors agree to the following terms: Copyright is owned by Grateful Dead Studies. Contributors are granted permission to republish copies of their own work published in the journal (e.g., post it to an institutional repository and/or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in Grateful Dead Studies. Grateful Dead Studies adheres to open access principles.